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Bump & Grind (Ground Coffee)

Bump & Grind (Ground Coffee)

Ground Coffee 


Bump and Grind is a medium roast 50/50 blend of FTO (Fair Trade, Organic) Honduran and Sumatra beans.


    FTO Sumatra - Takengon, Sumatra


    About the Farm: 

    Sumatra Mandheling G1 DP Gayo Mandiri is produced by members of the Amin family. Mr. Amin is a 2nd generation coffee producer who has operated approximately 1,200 hectares of production since 1995. The farm also produces oranges, potatoes, nuts and avocados. Gayo Mandiri is a group made up of over 1,000 local producers and is directed by Mr. Amin. Each of these producers operates their own farm, with milling and final preparation done at a central mill in Takengon. The finished coffee has a heavy body, with notes of mild cherry and a tangy finish. 


    Coffee Details:

    Elevation - 1100 meters 

    Varietals - Catimor,Timtim 

    Process - Wet Hulled 




    About the Farm: 

    In the year 2000, 62 Honduran coffee farmers joined together with a common goal to transform their farms from conventional to organic production and formed COMSA (Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A). In 2001, fostered by a foundation called Funder, COMSA earned their organic certification from Bio Latina which has enabled them to market their coffee to more international buyers and realize better selling prices for their coffee. In February 2006, COMSA then applied for and was granted Fair Trade certification status. COMSA uses the Fair Trade price premium to fund many social projects including paying teachers’ salaries and purchasing school supplies. 


    Coffee Details:

    Elevation - 1220 meters 

    Varietals - Catuai,Bourbon,Caturra,Typica 

    Process - Fully Washed 

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